Berlin is now home to a memorial adressing decolonization

The Decolonial Memorial EarthNest by The Lockward Collective is a memorial site dedicated to decolonization. The open bronze nest invites visitors to engage with our colonial past and its effects to this day, as well as with decolonial resistance. It carves a space for dialog, encounter and healiing. The artpiece was selected through a global, open, and anonymous art competition by an international jury. The memorial is open to the public in front of Berlin Global Village since November 15, 2024. The art competition and the creation of the artwork were accompanied by an extensive educational program discussing decolonization.



Sept. 15, 2024

NEWS: The EarthNest Opening Ceremony

On November 14, 2024, Berlin Global Village made history: with a grand opening ceremony, the Decolonial Memorial EarthNest was officially unveiled. This was a truly historic moment, as it marked the inauguration of Berlin’s first memorial dedicated to decolonial resistance. 




Exhibition Opening of the 20 final designs

From April 26 to May 10, 2024, Berlin Global Village showcased the 20 final submissions of the international art competition for a Decolonial Memorial to the public. The vernissage at the Foyer of the Kulturstall at Gutshof Britz/ Museum Neukölln was a great success, with nearly 250 visitors. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with the winners, some of the present finalists and gain fascinating insights into the competition. 



The Jury


During the evaluation and selection process, the Decolonial Memorial Project and Berlin Global Village were supported by a jury of specialist judges, expert judges, experts and coordinators with their expertise. The project is embedded in a broad civil society network. Under the link "network" you can find a brief introduction.