Berlin Global Village gGmbH
Am Sudhaus 2
12053 Berlin
030-49 96 64 00
Office hours:
Monday – Friday
10 o´clock am – 4 o´clock pm
Event management
030-49 96 64 01
Office hours:
Monday– Friday
10:00 o´clock am – 15:00 o´clock pm
Property management
030-49 96 64 02
Office hours:
Monday– Friday
10:00 o´clock am – 15:00 o´clock pm
The Berlin Global Village is located on the site of the former Kindl brewery in Berlin Neukölln and is easily accessible by public transportation:
U7 Rathaus Neukölln
U8 Boddinstraße
Bus connections 166, M43
The nearest parking spaces are available in the PARK ONE parking garage in Rollbergstrasse.
We need your donation for the expansion of the One World Center! Donations to the non-profit Berlin Global Village gGmbH are tax-deductible.
Donation account:
Account holder: Berlin Global Village gGmbH
IBAN: DE20 4306 0967 1156 9278 00
Subject: Donation