Berlin Global Village is Berlin's One World Center. 50 development-policy and migrant-diasporic NGOs have their offices here. And the public event rooms offer a wide range of political and cultural activities for the urban public. Berlin Global Village is a visible place in Berlin where people, initiatives and associations work for social change and global justice. The center is a social space and a place of cooperation - for direct tenants as well as for visitors.
Berlin Global Village gGmbH is the operator and owner of the center. As a non-profit limited company, we do not make any profit from the rent and do not pursue any commercial purpose. The shareholders are the Afrika-Rat Berlin Brandenburg e.V., the Berliner Entwicklungspolitische Ratschlag e.V. and MoveGLOBAL e.V.
Three umbrella organizations from the house are involved in the gGmbH as shareholders: the Afrika-Rat Berlin Brandenburg e.V., the Berliner Entwicklungspolitische Ratschlag e.V. and MoveGLOBAL e.V.. This means that the majority of shareholders are migrant-diasporic organizations, which is crucial to the character and work of the center.
The contact persons from our team can be found here:
The Advisory Board advises Berlin Global Village on all important issues. The focus is on the content of the program work. It makes recommendations to the management. The advisory board is made up of the following experts:
The Council for Diversity and Social Inclusion (RDSI) is an advisory body appointed by the Executive Board to assess all relevant processes from a diversity perspective and develops proposals for the ongoing operation of the center. It acts as an interface between the shareholders, the office team and MDO/MSO/PAD/PoC structures* at the Center.
Members of the Council for Diversity and Social Inclusion (RDSI):
* MDO/MSO/PAD/PoC sind die Abkürzungen für: migrantisch-diasporische Organisation (MDO), Migrant*innenselbstorganisation (MSO), People of African Decent (PAD), People of Color (PoC)
State of Berlin
The red-green-red state government has enshrined its support for the One World Center in the coalition agreement for the years 2021-2026. The state was already involved as an important partner during its construction: It approved an investment grant of 3.0 million euros in 2018 - this made it possible for Berlin Global Village to take out 9 million euros in loans for the new building, which will be financed by the NGOs in the long term via the rents - as well as funding from SIWA funds of 1.7 million euros for refurbishment and equipment in 2020-2022. For the program work of Berlin Global Village, the governing coalition has approved annual project funding of 247,000 euros in 2022 and 253,000 euros in 2023 in the budget. We have a long-standing, good working relationship with the State Office for Development Cooperation in the Senate Department for Economic Affairs, which is our point of contact.