Romer Initiative (CIR)

CIR has been campaigning for labour and human rights in Central America since 1981. Its work focuses on supporting grassroots movements and organisations in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as campaigning and educational work in Germany. The aim is to build a bridge between countries of the South and Germany.

Our vision is a just world of solidarity where good life is possible for all. It is a world free of discrimination and violence, supported by a diverse society and in which businesses and politics respect human rights. To achieve our goals, we are involved, for example, in the Supply Chain Act initiative or in joint projects with other organisations committed to development cooperation. We implement projects, especially in Latin America, and support human rights defenders.

The main focus of the office in the Berlin Global Village is on labour rights in global supply chains, the Clean Clothes Campaign, labour rights in agricultural supply chains with a focus on Brazil, and labels and certification systems.