Ludothek Global / Fördern durch Spielmittel e.V.

Encouraging through play tools, is a play and meeting place for children, parents and other family members as well as caring professionals. Play is one of the basic expressions of life of every human being. Children acquire the essential emotional, social, motor and cognitive skills for their lives through play. Good, suitable toys help children to explore their physical and social environment, to learn with them and through them, and thus to grow. Our toy collection consists of a variety of special, sustainable, interesting and valuable toys, mainly for children in the developmental age from 0 to 6 years, which can be borrowed. Families, children with their individual case workers, children's groups with their caregivers, people with and without a migration background, with and without handicaps come to us. By moving into the new building of the Berlin One World Center, we are realizing the vision of a global play space where everyone, regardless of age and background can (re)discover toys, engage in playful interaction and simply feel comfortable. The Ludothek Global is intended to build a bridge between Berlin Global Village and the residents in the surrounding neighborhoods and beyond.