We invite you to
EXHIBITION OPENING: THE 20 FINALIST-SUBMISSIONS FOR THE DECOLONIAL MEMORIAL at the Foyer des Kulturstalls im Gutshof Britz (in cooperation with the Museum Neukölln), April 26th, 2024, 7pm
(Here you can find the Blogpost about the exhibition opening with lots of pictures from the Event)
The Berlin Global Village will present the 20 finalist-submissions of the international art competition for the Decolonial Memorial to the public on April 26th, 2024!
Out of 244 proposals an international jury selected 20 artistic concepts. One of which will be realized at the Berlin Global Village in Neukölln until Fall 2024. Even though, the winners have been chosen we want to invite you the imagine the Decolonial Memorial in 20 possibilities. Come and picture The Decolonial Memorial at the exhibition opening at the Foyer des Kulturstalls im Gutshof Britz (in cooperation with the Museum Neukölln), April 26th, 2024, 7pm.
6:30 pm: Open doors
7:00 pm: Start of the event
Introduction: Dr. Matthias Henkel (Managing Director Museum Neukölln), Angelina Jellesen (Project Leadership Decolonial Memorial) and Armin Massing (Managing Director Berlin Global Village, Initiator Decolonial Memorial)
Words of greetings: Karin Korte (City Council for Culture in Neukölln)
Input: Prof. Dr. Chika Okeke-Agulu (Princeton University): Behind The Scenes: The International Jury Process of the Decolonial Art Competition (tbc)
Panel: Towards a Decolonial Memorial – From inception to final draft
Maria Linares (Visual Artist, Vice Chairwomen of the Jury for A Decolonial Memorial)
Maimouna Ouattara (Chairwoman moveGLOBAL e.V., Shareholder Berlin Global Village gGmbH)
Michael Küppers-Adebisi (Jury Member, Initiator and Advisor Decolonial Memorial)
Artists Talk with the winners of the competition Jeannette Ehlers and patricia kaersenhout (visual artists)
8:15 pm: viewing of the 20 artistic designs for a Decolonial Memorial
10 pm : End of event
Registration is not mandatory but welcome: Registration link
The exhibition is accessible until May 10th, 2024. A digital exhibition will be opening soon on this Website.
An event by the Berlin Global Village in cooperation with Museum Neukölln.
Location: Foyer des Kulturstalls Gutshof Britz, Alt-Britz 81, 12359 Berlin
Time: April 26th, 7pm